Laughter is the Best Medicine

Rida Younis
2 min readApr 14, 2021

The day may not come when a doctor would ask you to watch a show and then call him afterward. But the benefits of laughter and happiness are very powerful for mental and physical health. When laughter is utilized properly, it becomes a powerful medicine that aids conventional care in the longer run. Laughter is not just a way of care but is also a defense mechanism against despair and suffering in life. The given articles dissect the advantages of happiness from various perspectives and how it may help in improving those bad situations. It is like a therapy that helps in getting through traumas and there comes happiness at the end of the tunnel.

One of the benefits of laughter includes its power to help us cope with traumatic situations. Laughter helps in overcoming tense scenarios by aiding in muscle relaxation and stimulating blood circulation which is actually a sign of a stressful scenario. Laughing helps in reducing body pain by directing the body to generate natural painkillers. It can also help in decreasing the risks related to heart strokes by easing anger, stress, and tension associated with trauma.

A very important discussion revolves around can money buy happiness while discussing the benefits of happiness and the relationship of money with it. Research proves that it is possible to buy a certain level of happiness and satisfaction based on where you spend your money and how much money you own. If you spend your money on charity, then this can bring happiness and ultimately mental health benefits to the person spending his money.

Finally, laughter is a therapy that helps in dealing with the harsh realities that surround a human being. Laughter and happiness are free medicines that can heal traumas which no conventional medicine can. It is a defense mechanism against painful events in life. The benefits of happiness and laughter are huge and attractive.



Rida Younis

An Electrical Engineer Turned Professional Content Writer