Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Rida Younis
3 min readApr 13, 2021


OCD is a very chronic and common disorder which means that a person gets recurring and uncontrollable thoughts or behaviors that she or he has the urge for repeating again and again.

OCD Cycle

Effective treatment of OCD treatment is obsessive-compulsive disorder cognitive behavioral therapy. Another treatment is the medication for the disorder. Other treatments for OCD include ERP, which is seen as an effective treatment because of the strongest evidence, or ketamine treatment for OCD which is a novel treatment but quite promising. The class of medications for OCD treatment includes SRIs or serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

A licensed health professional like a counselor for mental health, social worker, or psychologist can do ERP therapy in the outpatient setting. You can visit the therapist’s office at the appointed time to receive the treatment.

Medications are available to prescribe by your psychiatrist or physician, which will chart your plan for the treatment. Overall, medication and ERP can be thought of as the most effective conventional treatments. About 70 % of people recover from OCD by obsessive-compulsive disorder best treatment.

What if Obsessive-compulsive disorder treatment with Outpatient ERP does not work?

Yes, there are some options available for OCD patients if conventional therapy does not work. It will include intensive treatment. The anxiety and OCD treatment center are available for OCD patients for intensive care.

· Traditional Outpatient

In this case, the OCD patient sees the therapist and has individual sessions the way the therapist prescribes. These can usually be for 45 to 50 minutes once or twice a week.

· Day Program

In this, patients get the treatment at day time which can involve individual or group therapy at the OCD inpatient treatment center. These patients typically attend the treatment from 9 to 5 and can last around 5 days every week.

· Intensive Outpatient

In this, patients attend the groups and also an individual session for several days a week. Intensive treatment centers offer this kind of treatment.

· Residential

In residential programs, patients get treatment in locked health treatment voluntarily. Only designated residential programs offer this kind of treatment.

· Partial Hospitalization

This is almost similar to the Day program; however, in this, the patients get treatment at the mental health center.

· Inpatient

Inpatient is the topmost level for mental health treatment in OCD patients. The treatment is given in the locked unit inside a hospital which can be voluntary or involuntary based on the patient’s condition. This kind of admission is only when the patient can be a threat to others or himself or cannot take care of himself. To stabilize such patients, it can take many days to several weeks in the treatment.

By looking overall at the treatment options, you can also go for Ketamine treatment to treat OCD patients. It can provide a rapid decrease in the severe symptoms of an OCD patient. Ketamine provides a substantial opportunity to have quick symptom relief in OCD patients. Therefore, it is useful and rapid.



Rida Younis

An Electrical Engineer Turned Professional Content Writer